Graduate and Professional Studies

A lot of working adults put off going back to school. Life can be busy, and it’s hard to find time to improve yourself and your career prospects.

But with the right habits, anyone can earn a degree without having to forfeit their current commitments. Here are some handy tips to help you strike that perfect life balance as you begin your online degree.

Care About What You Are Studying 

No matter what subject you study, you need to have a genuine passion and desire to learn about it.  

When working a full-time job, you won’t want to sit down to do assignments after a busy day if you have no interest in what you’re studying. You need to carry enough motivation to push through your courses without other distractions.  

Create A Support Network 

It’s extremely important to surround yourself with people who can help you when the going gets tough. 

Build a solid support network of friends, family, classmates, faculty, and your academic advisor, who can shoulder some of the pressure you’re feeling. This may be something as simple as asking your spouse to take care of the children while you finish your assignments for the week.   

Reach Out To Your Fellow Learners 

Your online class is going to be full of people who are also walking the fine line between school and life. They’ll understand the pressure you’re experiencing, so try to form connections and make in-class friends early on with your peers. 

Not only will you be able to expand your support network, but you can also have more professional, degree-related discussions about a topic you may be struggling with. 

Employers are interested in investing in their employees. After all, they get to benefit from your increased knowledge and skills!

Talk To Your Boss 

This one can be intimidating, but the pay-off can be well-worth the anxiety. 

The sooner that you let your boss know that you intend to go back to school, the more understanding they may be. Some bosses may even be able to work with you through your degree to help you get a promotion once you’ve graduated. 

Communicate at work when you have large assignments due in your classes; making your boss and coworkers aware might help ease your tension and help you find a balance between work and school.  

Make The Most Of Financial Aid 

There’s no denying how costly college can be, which is why you should make yourself aware of the financial aid available to you. 

Check with your employer to see if they offer any financial reimbursement; many employers are interested in investing in their employees. After all, they get to benefit from your increased knowledge and skills!  

Do some research on outside scholarships, too: many organizations offer scholarships that may be able to relieve some of your financial stress, allowing you to focus on your degree. 

Want to learn more? Continue your story with OKWU’s Graduate and Professional Studies Program.

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