Title IX Incident Report Form This reporting tool is for non-emergency incidents only. For emergencies or matters that need immediate attention, call 918-876-2529 or dial 911. The non-emergency number for Campus Safety is 918-335-6206 or email at security@okwu.edu. Oklahoma Wesleyan University takes the reports made through this site seriously. Please make your report as accurate, complete, and truthful as possible. Every effort will be made to evaluate your report within two business days of submission, however, the timing and manner in which the University responds to the report will vary depending on the information provided and whether you wish to remain anonymous. Name First Last Leave blank if AnonymousWho was involved in incident?*Student(s) OnlyEmployee(s) of the University only (faculty and/or staff)Combination of student(s) and employee(s)Do not personally know the individual(s) involvedPerson(s) not affiliated with OKWUWho is/could be affected?*Student(s)Employee(s) of the University (faculty and/or staff)Athletic TeamStudent OrganizationResidence Life ComplexOff-Campus HousingMultiple OKWU communitiesUnknownDate of Incident* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of Incident : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM What is the primary concern?*BiasCriminal ActivityDiscrimination and/or Harassment (Title IX)Disruption to the CommunityHazing"Sexual Assault/Harassment/Misconduct, Domestic/Dating Violence, Stalking (Title IX)"While you may have multiple concerns, please select the one that best describes your primary concernName and Contact Information of Involved Individuals, Organizations or GroupsINFORMATION ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE AND/OR OBSERVATIONSWhere did this incident take place?* Please provide a detailed description of the incident using concise and objective language. If you have a desired outcome, please indicate details below.What type of activity took place? Dating Violence Domestic Violence Harassment Hazing Intimidation Physical Attack Sexual Assault Sexual Harassment Stalking Threat/Use of force Other or Not Applicable Select any that apply. If you are unsure which category/categories describe what you are reporting, please select 'Other or Not Applicable' from the list. Please provide as many details as possible in the previous question. Please provide the police report number We may wish to contact you to obtain additional information. Please remember that the timing and manner in which the University addresses the report will vary depending on the information provided and whether involved parties are available for further discussion. Do you consent to our contacting you, if needed? (Please select all that apply.) You may contact me I wish to remain anonymous to involved individuals, but you may contact me I am filing this report on behalf of another individual(s), who may be contacted I am filing this report on behalf of another individual(s), who does not want to be contacted Please do not contact me Please list your phone number or email address, in the event that we need to contact you. If you wish to remain anonymous or do not want to be contacted, please enter 'anonymous' or 'do not contact me' in the blank.