News Tag Archive: AGS

Social Distancing
The new vocabulary we are all learning these days is quite interesting. Covid-19. Flatten the Curve. Social Distancing. Shelter in Place. Safer at Home. All of these and more are words associated with our world’s response to the global pandemic that affects all of us...
5 Tips to Maximize Effectiveness While Working From Home
During this time of uncertainty, many are working from home in an effort to keep those around them safe. And while working from home sounds great on the surface, it can be problematic for employees who struggle to separate home life and work life. Check out some tips to help make the transition to working from home easier to manage successfully.

AGS Student Honored as Top Nurse in Oklahoma
Sheryl Wade is a nursing student with Oklahoma Wesleyan University’s Adult and Graduate Studies Program. Incidentally, she also happens to be one of the 100 best nurses in the state. Wade was honored in September by the Great 100 Nurses Foundation, which exists to...